Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The First Sentence of Our Lives

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…Genesis 1:1

            The first sentence of the Bible describes the beginning of all creation, and also describes a mindset, an orientation of life.  We typically choose one of two basic options for our life orientation.  These two postures become, in effect, the "first sentence of our lives."  These two options are either "in the beginning God" or "in the beginning me."

Do I live as if the first sentence of my life is "in the beginning me?"  If so, I will live as if it is my job to "make myself."  I make my own meaning, purpose, or worth by what I accomplish or become, or who I know. We go through evaluating people and circumstances with the question, "How does this benefit me?"

Or is the first sentence of my life "in the Beginning God?"  If this is the case, then I am not defined by what I do but by Who God is and what He does.  I then go through life asking not “What benefits me?” but by asking, "Does this glorify God?" 

The goal of Great Beginnings is to adopt this orientation toward life: "In the beginning God."  This must become the first sentence of our lives

Lord, my natural tendency is "in the beginning me."  I know that I will only change by the power of your Spirit and your Word. Please use this Great Beginnings time to change me into an "in the beginning God" person.


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